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Weekend Edition, July 16-17, 2022


‘What is the Biden Doctrine?’ – Daniel McAdams at RPI Houston 2022

Daniel McAdams

The Centralization of Nations: What Does This Mean for You?

Dr. Igor Shepherd

Stunning Official Canadian Data Show Vaccines Now Raise the Risk of Death from Covid

Alex Berenson

Did the Shot Kill Ivana?

Allan Stevo

The Collapsing Euro and Its Implications

Alasdair Macleod

A Tale of the Taco

James Howard Kunstler

Hemingway: Biden’s Takeover Of Elections Is Unconstitutional, Unethical, and Will Cause Chaos


The Church of Pfizer: D.C. Promotes ‘Faith In Vaccine’ Initiative

Jordan Schachtel

Deutsche Bank Now Modeling German Households Chopping Wood To Keep Warm This Winter

Tyler Durden

One More Year To Flatten The Herd

The Good Citizen

The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising

Alexandra Bruce

How to Secure Your Water Supply for Emergencies

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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