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Fellow Patriot,
Our great nation wouldn’t be the same without the freedoms we have in our everyday lives, and it’s all because of the incredible sacrifice the men and women in uniform make day in and day out.
Scotty and I are raising our children to never take these freedoms for granted. I want to say thank you to all of the men and women who serve our country and put their lives on the line each and every day.
I need your help to send a thank you message to our military families for all that they do.
Freedom isn’t free, and it’s because of their sacrifice that we can continue to live in the best country in the world.
Unfortunately under the Biden Administration, our veterans aren’t getting the recognition and support they need. I’m calling on all patriots to show their support for our military families!
Paid for by Smiley for Washington, Inc.
PO Box 1058
Richland, WA, 99352
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