Hi Jack Please excuse my short note, but I just got a fundraising update and we’re just 11 sustaining donors short of our goal! 


If you are one of our newest monthly donors: welcome! I’m so stinking grateful to have your support. Your donations mean that my team and I can *always* go the extra mile.

Animated gif of people jogging in a park. One woman is flailing their arms wildly and running in a haphazard fashion as they pass other joggers


If you haven’t given just yet, I’d love it if you could be one of the 11 that we need to hit our goal.


One-time donations are excellent, but a monthly gift of $2, $5, $10, or any amount helps my team plan ahead and invest in our strategies early because we know we can count on your support over the next 4 months. (Plus we’ll have a super sharp holographic sticker for you as a thank you! 😁)


If you’re ready for bold changes in Arkansas that make our communities more inclusive, please consider signing up to be a sustaining donor at this link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kelly-for-arkansas


Arkansas is not a red state, it’s a non-voting state. The more resources we have, the more people we can mobilize to the polls on November 8 – and THAT is how we flip Arkansas Blue.


Can’t thank you enough for your support.


All my best,



Kelly Krout is a mom, former foster parent, and a lifelong Arkansan. She’s also the ONLY Democrat running for Lt. Governor. Kelly loves breaking down policies and advocating for better systems for families. Please support Kelly’s campaign and let’s make a difference in Arkansas. Thank You!


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Paid for by Kelly for Arkansas

©2022 Kelly for Arkansas, all rights reserved.


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Kelly for Arkansas

PO Box 1267

Lowell, AR 72745

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