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Latest Research
Current federal government has increased per-person debt by 35.3 per cent since 2015, the third highest amount since World War II
Examining Federal Debt in Canada by Prime Ministers Since Confederation, 2022 is a new study that finds Prime Minister Trudeau’s government has increased per-person debt by 35.3 per cent since 2015, the third highest amount since World War II.
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Australians enjoy higher labour productivity growth— and living standards—than Canadians due largely to improvements in their mining and energy sector
The Canadian-Australian Business Sector Productivity Gap: A Sectoral Analysis is a new study that finds Australians enjoyed higher labour productivity growth than Canadians due largely to improvements in their mining and energy sectors. Critically, Australia experienced an improved labour productivity per worker, on average, by 1.6 per cent every year, compared to Canada's 1.3 per cent annual growth.
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Commentary and Blog Posts
B.C. court denies patients the ability to seek private care [[link removed]]
by Bacchus Barua
On Friday, July 15, the B.C. Court of Appeal explicitly acknowledged the plight of thousands of British Columbian patients on waiting lists.
High tax rate hurts Ontario’s competitiveness [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Ottawa Sun) by Jake Fuss and Ben Eisen
The province's top combined personal income tax rate stands at 53.53 per cent.
Our political leaders don’t understand prices [[link removed]]
by Elmira Aliakbari, Jason Clemens, and Julio Mejia
Gasoline prices were rising before Russia invaded Ukraine.
P.E.I. starved for private-sector investment [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Charlottetown Guardian) by Alex Whalen
The province's level of private-sector investment per worker was the second-lowest in Canada.
Alberta takes another step towards reducing health-care wait times [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the Calgary Sun) by Bacchus Barua
In 2021, the median wait in Alberta between seeing a general practitioner and receiving treatment was 32.1 weeks.
Ottawa should stay out of food labelling business [[link removed]]
(Appeared in the National Post) by Matthew Lau
The federal government plans to mandate nutritional warnings on packaged foods.
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