John – on the heels of Donald Trump's MAGA rally in Las Vegas, I wanted to follow up with you and personally ask you to endorse my campaign to keep Nevada's Senate seat blue before midnight tonight.

Everyone from Donald Trump to Mitch McConnell to Ted Cruz is going all in to support my extremist opponent, and their attempts to defeat me are only getting more and more vicious. That means it's as important as ever to show that I've got a strong grassroots team behind me – and that will only take 251 new endorsements tonight.

Your endorsement will send a powerful message to my Trump-endorsed opponent (and McConnell’s allies) that we aren't backing down without a fight. So please, it'll just take a moment, but it will mean so much: Will you be one of the 251 new endorsements I need to hit my goal by midnight?

¡La lucha sigue! The fight continues!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Catherine Cortez Masto
Date: Wed, July 13, 2022
Subject: Not asking for money