Monthly Update of Community Events, Press Conferences, and Announcements.

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Saturday, July 16, 2022


21st Century Reforms Implemented by Sheriff Villanueva have made a Significate Impact.

July 12, 2022

The reforms implemented by Sheriff Villanueva have made a significant impact that resulted in the decrease of Lawsuits, Complaints, Uses of Force etc.



Sheriff Villanueva Feels Strongly about Transparency within the LASD.

July 12, 2022

From day one in office, Sheriff Villanueva has been transparent regarding LASD policies, procedures, and accountability. The department?s website, now includes data on deputy-involved shootings, discipline, and the department?s policy and regulations.??MORE INFORMATION ON TRANSPARENCY

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Board of Supervisors Took too Long to Realize the Necessity of Body Worn Cameras.

July 12, 2022

BOS took to long to realize the importance of Body Worn Camera and on the 3rd Day in office Sheriff Villanueva iniciated a meeting to expedite the usage of Body Worn Cameras.?READ FULL STORY


?Accountability for thee, not for me.? 4 of 5 Board of Supervisors approve motion to circumvent electoral process and gain authority to remove a duly elected official.

July 11, 2022

Read Sheriff Villanueva?s response to a motion made by some of the Board of Supervisors to place a Measure on the ballot that would give the Board of Supervisors the ability to circumvent the will of voters and remove a duly elected Sheriff from his position, yet conveniently leaving their duly elected positions out of the process.?READ FULL STORY


Let Freedom Ring Celebration:?Sheriff Villanueva Joined in the Festivities

July 5, 2022

Sheriff Alex Villanueva attended the 49th Annual ?Let the Freedom Ring Celebration? event celebrating Independence Day.? The City of Cerritos hosted the event and had Sheriff Villanueva ring the bell to commemorate the liberty and freedom our Founding Fathers created. READ FULL STORY


Sheriff Villanueva is a Proud Co-Sponsor of the Inaugural Philippine American Friendship Day.

July 9, 2022

Sheriff Villanueva is a proud co-sponsor of the inaugural Philippine American Friendship Day hosted by the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA). READ FULL STORY


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