Here's how we reduce the price of gas
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Hi John,
I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am fighting ([link removed]) to make Arizona the beacon that brings America back from the Biden disaster!
With inflation at 9.1% and the inflation for fuel prices even worse, it's time we went back to the fuel policy under President Trump.
One group of people who know what they are doing with energy is the Oil and Gas Workers Association. Honest hardworking men and women who know the importance of drilling here- and being energy self sufficient!
And I am proud that they have endorsed me!
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"Oil & Gas Workers Association endorses Wendy Rogers for Re-Election
Our industry, jobs, Grand Canyon State, and nation are under attack.
America’s Oil & Gas Workers need fighters across the country who will not back down to the Biden administration, the radical left, extreme environmentalists, and hostile foreign nations.
Wendy Rogers will work to secure our borders, fight back against jobs-killing federal overreach, ensure our elections are secure, and stand up for Arizonans and all Americans on the issues that impact our jobs and families.
Like President Trump, Wendy Rogers understands national security and will bring people together to advance policies that put American workers and families first.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Board, I am excited to announce Oil & Gas Workers Association proudly endorses Wendy Rogers for Arizona State Senate and encourages all citizens in #LD7 to support her campaign with your vote.
Our jobs, families, great State of Arizona, and nation depend on it.
The men and women of the Oil and Gas industry CAN depend on me- I'll have their backs and make sure we fight Joe Biden and his extreme woke climate activists every chance we get!
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President Trump knew: America can only grow and be unleashed when we are producing our own energy.
I will do my part to make sure Biden's crazy anti-energy edicts are challenged and nullified here in Arizona.
Arizona will lead the fight against Biden- and I will lead from the front!
Your support is more critical than ever. The Swamp doesn't want me to win because they don't want to fight Biden. I do! ([link removed])
President Trump had the right policies- I will bring them back here in Arizona. Help me so I can fight for you! ([link removed])
Thank you so much,
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
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P.S. George Soros and the leftwing billionaires are going to target my district again with millions of dollars in attack ads like they did last time. Will you help me fend off the attacks by contributing before the end of this month? ([link removed])
Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
Copyright © 2022 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.
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2700 S Woodlands Village Blvd Ste 300-242
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-7128
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