Our pro-choice majority is on the line if Michael’s opponent wins.

After the right-wing radical majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, anti-choice states initiated abortion bans and are trying to restrict inter-state travel for reproductive health care.

Michael introduced the Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act this week to fight back.

“This legislation will protect women who go out of state for reproductive care from prosecution, along with the providers who support them.” - Michael Bennet

Michael believes the decision about whether or not to have an abortion should be between a woman and her doctor, and that right shouldn’t depend on where you live.

But Mitch McConnell-led Senate Republicans blocked this critical legislation from moving forward.

Michael is fighting to protect the right to choose nationwide, but his opponent supports restricting reproductive rights, folks.

His wealthy opponent is bankrolling his own campaign since grassroots enthusiasm is low, but if he flips Colorado, Mitch McConnell could have an anti-choice majority to enact a nationwide abortion ban.

A poll put Michael down 1% to a GOP opponent and his seat was ranked in the top 10 most likely to flip by The National Journal, CNN, and NPR. Reproductive freedom is more at risk than ever, so we’re ramping up our campaign infrastructure to keep Colorado out of the hands of Michael’s anti-choice opponent.

Rush a $10 donation today to defend Michael’s seat so he can continue fighting for the right to choose here in Colorado and across the country.

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Thank you for fighting with us,

Team Bennet

P.S. As states across the country enact abortion bans and restrictions, Colorado has been a safe haven for women and those seeking reproductive health care. With your support, Michael will continue fighting for reproductive rights in Colorado and nationwide. Donate $10 today to Michael’s re-election campaign to defend abortion rights and reproductive freedom.