The federal government should get out of the way of homebuilding


The federal government isn’t going to solve the housing crisis. With its multiple large, redundant, contradictory, unwieldy, and economically illiterate Washington-centric bureaucracies, we should neither expect nor want the federal government to be in the homebuilding business. Or to tell us how to do it.

In fact, Jim Burling writes, the best thing the government can do for housing is to get out of the way.

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The Hill: No, Jarkesy v. SEC won’t end the administrative state


“A wild new court decision [that] would blow up much of the government’s ability to operate.” This characterization of a federal appeals court ruling in Jarkesy v. Securities and Exchange Commission by Vox is shared by much of legal journalism.

As the agency asks the court to rehear the case, Alison Somin sets the record straight on the case and its importance.

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It’s time to reevaluate the Clean Water Act


The Clean Water Act turns 50 this fall—and like most things at age 50, it no longer functions like it once did.

In fact, writes Charles Yates, the CWA presents a classic tale of an unmitigated federal agency power grab, and it is high time to reevaluate the law.

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