Fellow American – overturning Roe v. Wade was a historic victory for life.
But Fellow American, the fight to protect life is far from over.
Many tech companies, huge corporations, accounting firms, and small businesses alike are offering travel for abortions as an HR perk…
Companies like Amazon and Dick’s Sporting Goods are paying up to $4,000 in travel expenses for employees to have an abortion. Starbucks will even pay travel expenses for gender-affirming procedures if those services aren’t available within 100 miles of a worker’s home!
Have we fallen so far that corporations are covering the cost for murder?
So, I’m coming to you today Fellow American, with a simple question:
Do you think companies should pay for employees to get an abortion? | It’s ironic that companies have taken such a strong stance in aiding abortion, yet their employees are still fighting for adequate paid maternity and paternity leave and struggling with costs related to new children.
Make no mistake, the concern of these big companies is NOT women’s rights, but their bottom line. They just want to keep their employees at their desks (and not on maternity leave) and keep their insurance costs down.
I’m advocating for life in ALL FIFTY STATES and urging all conscientious citizens to not grow complacent with our recent win for life.
Share your opinion with me today, and let’s continue to protect life ➞
For America, Mike Johnson
MIKE JOHNSON Mike is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as a constitutional law attorney who has devoted his life and career to fighting for the fundamental freedoms and traditional values that have always been a priority to the people of Louisiana. WILL YOU STAND WITH MIKE? |

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