Ilhan for Congress

I just came from the House floor, friends, where I voted to pass two critical abortion rights bills:

  • The Women’s Health Protection Act to enshrine the right to an abortion into federal law, no matter what state a person lives in

  • The Ensuring Access to Abortion Act to protect the right of patients who live in states with abortion bans and restrictions to travel out-of-state to receive care

I was proud to support this legislation to protect abortion rights — but this can only be the start of our work to guarantee the right to reproductive healthcare.

This is a concerning period in our country. At a time when Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land and Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country are passing radical abortion bans, we can’t let up for a second in our fight to uplift individual reproductive rights.

We can’t lose ground in the House either. If Kevin McCarthy ends up with the Speaker’s gavel, he says he’s open to passing an extreme 15-week abortion ban.

And I’m up against several anti-choice candidates — one of my four primary opponents is even a self-proclaimed “conservative” who ran for Congress as a Republican in 2016 and is vehemently opposed to protecting abortion rights.

I am more fired up than ever in my fight to protect abortion rights and uplift your individual freedoms, but I can only continue this work if I win re-election. Your grassroots contributions will help make that possible — because I answer to you, not corporations, and will never rely on corporate PACs to win.

Before midnight tonight, can you rush in a contribution of any amount so I can stay in Congress to fight for your rights?

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In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar