Phone calls must start Monday -- Look for our action alert then
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US House leaders have scheduled amnesty bill for Rules Committee on Tuesday with floor vote likely Wednesday.

Only massive phone calls can stop it.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

I'm not asking for any action at this moment.

But I am rushing this email to you so you will be ready to act Monday morning when your U.S. Representative's office opens and staff begin answering phones.

Monday morning at 9 a.m. (Eastern), you will get a PHONE ALERT from Chris with all the details for your short phone call to the office of your District's U.S. Representative. Please commit yourself to start your week by reading the alert and phoning. Be a part of the solution.

(See below for descriptions of what the open-borders crowd wants to ram through the House next week.)


If you've never done this before, I beg you to relax and know that it is very easy. You don't have to make a speech. In fact, the staffer won't allow you to make a speech.

You will probably want to start with the key message:

I am calling to urge (or ask, request, insist) that Rep. [fill in name] vote NO on H.R. 5038.

That is most of what you need to accomplish because the staffers mainly are just keeping track of how many urge YES and how many urge NO.

The staffer will probably ask your name and your city or county.

After that you can say thank you, or you can make one or two points about why you oppose the bill. Chris will provide talking points in his Monday alert.

If you feel like it, making a short comment on WHY you oppose H.R. 5038 will make it more likely that the staffer will report to the Representative that the callers seem to know what they're calling about.

It is okay to show passion but remember that you are not angry at the staffer. Be polite.

The actual name of H.R. 5038 is meant to mislead. It is called the Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019.

Feel free to call it the Ag Amnesty and Indentured Servitude Act. Or just the "Ag Amnesty bill". But always refer to H.R. 5038 first.


Our Hill Staff has prepared a wonderful summary of this terrible bill. Read it at

Here are a few key excerpts:

Amnesty -- H.R. 5038 would give amnesty--including work permits, green cards, and a path to citizenship--to illegal aliens who have been unlawfully employed in agriculture at least part time during the past two years. In fact, illegal aliens who spent just most weekends working in agriculture over two years would qualify.

H-2A Expansion -- Rather than providing incentives for mechanization to reduce the need for manual labor, or even just streamlining the existing H-2A program, the sponsors of H.R. 5038 decided that it is time to complete the hollowing out of several other industries, in addition to seasonal farm work. They kept the numerically unlimited H-2A category for seasonal work, but created a new, non-seasonal, year-round category so that at least 20,000 (and potentially many more) low-paid foreign workers can be imported each year to work at dairies, meat-packing plants, fish canneries, nurseries, and more.

Indentured Servitude -- Congress knows that giving amnesty to illegal agricultural workers will fail to produce a stable, legal workforce, because they've tried it before. Congress passed an agricultural amnesty in 1986, as part of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). But there was a catch: most of the amnestied ag workers left agriculture for better-paying jobs as soon as they got their work permits. The sponsors of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act decided to address this problem by regressing to the 17th Century practice of indenturing these newly amnestied agricultural workers for various durations, mainly four to eight years.


We need every kind of Representative to be buried in these calls -- that includes those you are sure have made up their mind to vote NO and those you assume have made up their minds to vote YES.

The first goal Monday is for every office's staff to know that WE THE PEOPLE know the amnesty vote is coming. And that WE THE PEOPLE probably know more about what is in the amnesty bill that their boss the Representative knows. For example, do they know this is a bill that re-establishes indentured servitude in this country.

Let's cause those staffers to start scrambling to see what is actually in this bill.


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