From <[email protected]>
Subject IT: 🏛️ The House to vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022, and... How do you feel about the Endangered Species Act?
Date July 15, 2022 4:01 PM
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The House is expected to vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 today, a bill that would protect abortion rights nationwide.

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Welcome to Friday, July 15th, commenters and reacters...

The House is expected to vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 today, a bill that would protect abortion rights nationwide.

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This bill would create a federal statutory right to abortion that preempts nearly all state-level restrictions and regulations on abortions. It would prohibit all restrictions on abortion prior to viability and permit abortions after fetal viability if a healthcare provider determines the pregnancy would pose a risk to the mother’s health.

States would be prohibited from imposing a number of limitations or requirements on abortion access, including many of those previously permitted under Roe, Casey, and other precedents prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs.

Do you support or oppose this bill? ([link removed])
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** House Votes on S. 3373: SFC Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act

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The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022 would streamline the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) process for determining what toxic exposures can be covered under VA care.

The bill passed in the House on a 342-88 vote.

How do you feel about your representative’s vote? ([link removed])
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** Federal Judge Restores Portions of the Endangered Species Act After Trump Admin Revisions

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U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar of the District of Northern California restored key provisions of the Endangered Species Act after the Trump administration weakened the landmark law in 2019. This move restores protection for hundreds of wildlife species.

The Trump administration's changes included how the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration consider what species qualify for federal protections, adding economic factors to the classification process.

How do you feel about provisions of the Endangered Species Act being restored? ([link removed])
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** All the Memes Fit to Post


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** And, In The End...

It's National Pet Fire Safety Day, a day to learn how to keep your pets safe during a fire. Do you have a plan to keep your beloved pets secure?

—Jamie Epstein

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