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Last year, in Brnovich v. DNC, I took on the Democrats’ attempts to interfere with Arizona’s laws safeguarding our elections from ballot harvesting. I went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to defeat their plan to intrude in our elections. But Biden wants a rematch.
The Department of Justice plans to sue Arizona over HB 2492, which requires proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. I say, bring it on. I will stand up for the right to enact common-sense election integrity measures—not just in Arizona, but in all states.
However, I find it curious that the DOJ’s lawsuit comes at a time when thousands of illegal border crossings happen daily. Our legislature passed HB 2492 to guard against non-citizen voting by ensuring that only citizens cast ballots. I won’t assume anything, but I know someone running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona who would greatly benefit from the votes of non-citizens let in by a federal government that has all but surrendered our sovereignty to the cartels.
I’m a fighter, and I hate losing. My message to the President is this: back off, unless you want to lose again. The last time Biden came after the Great State of Arizona and our election laws, he lost so badly that Mark Kelly and Chuck Schumer tried to federalize our elections. They failed.
Since day one, I’ve stood firm in my defense of Arizona’s election integrity, long before it was a talking point for other candidates. No one has defended the ballot box against fraud and manipulation more than I have.
Coming to a scoreboard near you: Brnovich 2, Biden 0.

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