The party that wins control of Congress in November will set the legislative agenda in Washington for the next two years.
From reproductive rights to tackling the climate crisis, every single issue we hold dear as Democrats is at stake in the midterms. What issue are you most concerned with defending against the threat of a GOP takeover of the House?
NewDem Supporter Survey
Issues of Top Concern:
Republicans have been crystal clear about what their priorities will be if they take back control of Congress: rolling back climate change initatives, gutting Social Security and Medicare, and passing national restrictions on abortion.
Decades of progress could be on the chopping block unless we defend the most vulnerable Democrats in the House this November. And over the next four months, that’s exactly what we plan to do.
As we gear up for the midterms, we want to know what issues our supporters are most concerned with defending in November. Will you take a moment to let us know what issue is most important for Democrats to defend this November?
Thank you,