July 15, 2022Inside this issue• CCUSA Presents the Washington Weekly• Faith and the Common Good• Trivia• Connections CCUSA Presents the Washington Weekly Overview: President Biden and Mexican presi
July 15, 2022 |
CCUSA Presents the Washington Weekly
Overview: President Biden and Mexican president Manuel Lopez Obrador met this week to discuss immigration policy and the southern border, among other things. In other immigration news, the Department of Homeland Security extended Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelans residing in the U.S. as of March 8, 2021 (See more below). Also this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled "A Post-Roe America: The Legal Consequences of the Dobbs Decision." Members heard comments from (among others) staff of pregnancy centers and churches nationwide that are facing attacks and vandalism at their properties.  The U.S. Capitol is seen in Washington March 31, 2022. (CNS photo/Tom Brenner, Reuters) |
Appropriations update: The House of Representatives is aiming to pass all 12 of its FY2023 appropriations bills before the upcoming August recess. The Senate may post its versions of the 12 spending bills at the end of July, skipping markups, unless Republican senators are willing to negotiate over "topline funding levels." See details here. Also, see CCUSA's appropriations letters sent to Congress over the past few weeks on the "Recent Letters & Statements"page on our website. Economy: In the week ending July 9, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial [unemployment] claims was 244,000, an increase of 9,000 from the previous week's unrevised level of 235,000. The 4-week moving average was 235,750, an increase of 3,250 from the previous week's unrevised average of 232,500. Immigration: The Department of Homeland Security announced on Monday that it is extending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelans residing in the U.S. as of March 8, 2021. The extension will be effective from Sept. 10, 2022, to March 10, 2024. Venezuelans who arrived in the U.S. after March 8, 2021, are not available. Immigration advocates had urged DHS to extend the protection to a broader group of exiles. |
Faith and the Common Good
Today, July 15, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Bonaventure (b. 1217 - d. 1274), also known as the Seraphic Doctor because of his Christ-centered life and teaching.  St. Bonaventure is depicted in a stained-glass window at the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate in Guelph, Ontario. "Grant us fear, by which we may draw back from evil and submit to what is good," St. Bonaventure said. (CNS photo/Crosiers) |
Bonaventure brought the Franciscan order into a time of stability after St. Francis' death and amid conflicts that embroiled Franciscans who had different notions about how to live the religious life. Some of the brothers wanted to adhere strictly to a life of poverty, while others called for the relaxation of some of the mendicant practices. Bonaventure made the effort to put on the mind of Christ, who said, "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (Jn 8:31-32). He integrated his study of theology with his Franciscan way of life. He believed the pursuit of truth was a form of divine worship. Such a mindset, developed over time, resulted in admirable, practical qualities. In his search for truth, Bonaventure would enter a dialogue with different traditions of philosophy and theology and weigh them against the truth of the gospel. He also reconciled the different factions of his order, already mentioned, and he mended disputes between the secular and religious clergy. His abilities led to his selection to be the minister general of the Franciscans and his elevation to the episcopacy by Pope Gregory X. Bonaventure modeled how love grounded in truth leads to "communication and communion," as Pope Benedict expressed it in "Caritas in veritate": "Truth, by enabling men and women to let go of their subjective opinions and impressions, allows them to move beyond cultural and historical limitations and to come together in the assessment of the value and substance of things. Truth opens and unites our minds in the lógos of love: this is the Christian proclamation and testimony of charity. In the present social and cultural context, where there is a widespread tendency to relativize truth, practicing charity in truth helps people to understand that adhering to the values of Christianity is not merely useful but essential for building a good society and for true integral human development. A Christianity of charity without truth would be more or less interchangeable with a pool of good sentiments, helpful for social cohesion, but of little relevance. In other words, there would no longer be any real place for God in the world. Without truth, charity is confined to a narrow field devoid of relations. It is excluded from the plans and processes of promoting human development of universal range, in dialogue between knowledge and praxis" (No. 4). |
Q. How are cenobites and eremites different? Please send your answers to [email protected].
Last week's question and answer: Q. What event related to Independence Day happened on this day (July 8) in 1776 in Philadelphia? A. Thanks to Rev. Patrick Delahanty from the Kentucky Committee to End Executions for being first to give the answer: The first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. |
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