Gas prices are down some. That is the good news. The bad news is inflation is now at a 41-year high. After months of telling everyone that presidents have no... Could America's Founding Fathers see far, some 234 years, into the future? In declaring independence and fashioning a constitution, they were certainly... Pamela Hemphill has no prior criminal history. A liberal slush fund from the days of the Obama administration has returned under the Biden White House. First, some background: Under then-President Obama, the Justice Department rerouted victim settlement funds to far-left activist groups that had no connections to victims in government cases. While the Cato Institute and The Wall Street Journal reported on the flagrant If this had been aimed at Barack Obama, he said, 'it would be called out by this committee and the media for exactly what it is: pure racism.' It took a year for the mother to find out about the punishment. 'Obviously, there's ballot trafficking going on,' Arizona GOP AG candidate Abraham Hamadeh told The Western Journal. PO Box 455, Leesburg, VA 20178 Unsubscribe |