
The President’s sons claimed that they “literally stopped” enriching themselves through foreign business deals once their father took office. That’s a lie. No matter how many times the Trump family says otherwise, the fact is this: Their illegal self-enrichment spans the globe, and they get richer every day that Donald Trump is President.

Every time a member of a foreign government stays at a Trump property, the money goes directly into the pockets of the President and his family through their ownership stakes in The Trump Organization. This is not legal. The acceptance of such payments goes directly against the Constitution and violates the foreign emoluments clause.

That’s why I’m suing President Trump: to block these payments that make a mockery of the Constitution’s main anti-corruption clause.

Right now, with all that’s happening in Washington, it’s especially important for me to know where you stand. I need to hear from 3,567 concerned Americans before midnight, and I’m counting on you to be one of them:

Please, take just one moment right now to share your thoughts with me directly. Your response helps guide my work in the Senate to keep standing up for the Constitution and holding the President accountable.

Thank you for taking the time to speak out for justice and accountability,


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