Dear Friend,
Like so many of you, we are reeling from recent Supreme Court decisions, which solidified what we already know about the State’s white supremacist, Christian, cissexist ideology and how it is pushed onto everyday people through the criminal legal system. The court’s opinions are not a reflection of a “new normal” - they reflect the historic and ongoing violence our communities experience daily, and the disproportionate harms falling on poor, Black, brown, indigenous, and undocumented folks.
The Supreme Court decisions, alongside white supremacist and State violence, are a lot to hold. We invite you to step back, grieve, rest, and process. Many of our MediaJustice colleagues have taken time away from our desks to protest. We will continue organizing, relationship building, and building shared political analysis with our MJ Network members and other movement partners.
In the next few days, we will be sharing our analysis of the post-Roe surveillance state, as well as training relating to digital security. In light of the increased scrutiny on pregnant people and their health care providers, we hope these resources support your safety and wellbeing.
Our communities - not the courts - hold the keys to a world without surveillance and criminalization.
In love and rage,
Team MediaJustice