This is it, John. Congress—House and Senate—will vote on the Caesar Act next week as part of the defense bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). They must hear from you that you want them to vote YES on the NDAA.

Caesar first exposed Assad's horrors to Congress in the summer of 2014. It's taken us more than three years of hopes and setbacks to get to this point. Three years of Americans around the country telling their Members of Congress that they want action to stop Assad's atrocities and hold him, Russia and Iran accountable for their war crimes. Three years holding up Caesar's photos and saying, "This cannot be tolerated. Never again can we turn a blind eye while civilians suffer in the most horrific ways imaginable. The United States must respond."

But the end of our efforts is near. Through AFS' intense advocacy since March, the Caesar Act will be included in this "must-pass" piece of legislation that will be voted on next week. When the NDAA comes up for a vote, each and every Representative and Senator must know that when they cast a vote for the legislation, they are casting a vote for the Syrian people and America's moral leadership in the world.

Three years is long enough.

Click Below and Tell Congress: Vote YES on NDAA—Vote YES on Caesar!

Americans for a Free Syria (AFS) is a non-partisan, non-profit that advocates for human rights, the rule of law and U.S. national security interests in Syria.

One Thomas Circle | Suite 700 | Washington, District of Columbia | xxxxxx 
[email protected]

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