![]() Patriot, The next phase of the so-called “Great Reset” scheme has arrived. It’s playing out in real time right now in the Netherlands where Dutch farmers are protesting the demands of their government that they cull their livestock – in some cases 90% of their herds – and reduce so-called “greenhouse gases” to such an extreme extent that many of them will lose their farms and be forced into bankruptcy. With the Netherlands being one of the top food exporters in the world, this barbaric scheme will cause further famine in nations already reeling from economic crises and the effects of the Covid lockdowns. Here in America, through executive orders and rules made by unelected bureaucrats, farmers are already getting pinched. Unless you and I do something to stop it, the plight of the Dutch farmers WILL be repeated here at home. You may say to yourself, “That will never happen in the United States of America.” But unless we do something now, that is the direction our country is headed! It’s critical you and I turn up the heat on our legislators and tell them “DO YOUR JOB AND STOP THE SCHEME TO RESET THE FOOD SUPPLY!” ![]() Last year, at the urging of the globalist World Economic Forum, the president of Sri Lanka banned the importation of chemical fertilizer, a substance that massively improves crop fertility and thereby decimated world hunger. Once the fertilizer was banned, crops dried up. Food prices nearly doubled. Millions of Sri Lankans were driven into poverty and starvation. The tax base shriveled accordingly, and the nation can no longer afford fuel imports. Citizens are forced to wait days for gasoline. Fed up, the citizens violently overthrew their government last week. Now the nation is bankrupt and suffering through an awful crisis. Millions of its citizens are struggling to purchase food, medicine, and fuel. One report says inflation in June in Sri Lanka was over 50%, food prices rose by 80%, and a half-million people fell into poverty over the last year. Their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) score – part of the globalists’ report card – is one of the “best” in the world. But their people can’t eat! The people of Ghana recently went through the same thing. Pressured by the World Bank to “transform” their energy three years ago, Ghana entered the Paris Climate Accord and passed a renewable energy law. They also pressured farmers to stop using chemical fertilizer. Now they have regional blackouts, severe food shortages, and starvation. Faced with the cold reality of what happens when their policies become law, the World Economic Forum is. . . doubling down, of course. Three days ago, the WEF published a paper claiming that radical green energy schemes are tied to freedom, and the more green energy, the more freedom! Well, that settles it. All the proof you need. It would be funny, if these maniacs weren’t lobbying to destroy our economy just as they did in Sri Lanka and Ghana. Joe Biden himself was heard gushing last May that skyrocketing gas prices are part of “an incredible transition.” Despite pathetic attempts to shift blame for the pain we feel every time we go to the pump, the truth is clear: the Biden regime and the Green New Deal Fanatics want gas to be unaffordable and food to be scarce. It is a critical piece of the Great Reset Agenda. Those at the WEF and their supporters – Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Al Gore, etc. – want to keep their private jets and mansions, but they also want to force you to get rid of your car or pay dearly through more taxes and higher prices. The destruction of our energy independence causing sky-high price inflation (on top of the inflation caused by the Fed) isn’t an unintended consequence. . . It’s the plan. And more than ever, the Biden regime has been abusing executive power to impose policies it knows Congress can’t pass. And when he can’t get away with an executive order, he has his Deep State Swamp Creatures at the EPA, CDC, and countless other agencies do his dirty work for him. ![]() If these people were out to improve the lives of the people of the world, they couldn’t be more incompetent. But if the agenda is total elite control over the world population, they couldn’t be more competent . . . and more complicit! Seen in that light, all the other demented policies – forced vaccinations, radical indoctrination of children, a Central Bank Digital Currency, and global surveillance state – all fit right into place. For those fighting tyranny in foreign countries, we can only offer our prayers. But as for America, we have the blessings of liberty that allow us to hold our politicians accountable – and we must. It’s time to DEMAND Congress rein in the Biden regime’s abuses of power and STOP every piece of the Great Reset agenda, including their current attempt to Reset the Food Supply under the guise of “saving the planet.” Patriot, it may seem impossible to believe the current Congress will take action against the Biden regime, but with inflation on the rise and the daily dose of bad news we keep hearing, more and more Democrats are turning on Biden and trying to save their own jobs. There is NEVER a better time to make your voice heard than during a heated election season! And if polls are to be believed, the Democrats loyal to the Biden administration won’t be in the majority much longer. So if the majority won’t act NOW, it is critical you and I make certain Republicans know we demand action when they return to power. Every congressional office keeps track of how many of their constituents are speaking out on which issues. We must make our voices heard because your silence is taken as consent. ![]() Even if your representative and senators are Democrats, they need to hear from you – because the tide IS turning from the Biden regime’s “America Last” agenda. It’s no coincidence the two senators who saved the filibuster were from swing states. At the end of the day, politicians hate to lose, and they hate to lose their majorities even more. Let’s push more into the margins. Congress can stand up to Biden. Politicians still have to fear getting tossed out of office, so they have no choice but to listen when you and I raise enough of a ruckus. And with the Democrats' slim majorities in the House and Senate, our chances are even better. That’s why you and I have to fight back while we still can. So Patriot, after you demand your lawmakers STOP the Great Reset of the Food Supply, can I count on you to make a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty contact up to 10 million Americans to help educate them and turn up the heat on Congress to STOP every piece of the “Great Reset?” ![]() Your generous support will help Campaign for Liberty mobilize up to 10 million Americans to turn up the heat on Congress to stop the “Great Reset” by: 1)Deploying targeted online Internet ads to
turn up the heat on members of Congress to say “NO!” to the so-called “Great Reset”; 2)Using mail and email to contact up to 10 million Americans from coast-to-coast to FLOOD Congress with petitions and letters; 3)Using modern and old-school communication methods to explain exactly what the “Great Reset” is really about – and why it’s absolutely critical to fight back while we still can; 4)Launching an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain to the American people exactly how the elites are planning to use the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to ram through their authoritarian agenda under the guise of a “Great Reset.” This is a battle you and I can’t afford to lose. Or else freedom will not survive in America. So please make your most generous contribution of $100, $500, $1,000, or more right away to help Campaign for Liberty contact up to 10 million Americans to turn up the heat on Congress to STOP every piece of the “Great Reset.” I know that’s a lot to ask for. If it’s just too much, please consider $50 or at least $25. Patriot, regardless of what you can give, just please act right away. Time is running out to turn up the HEAT to say “NO!” to the so-called “Great Reset.” Please take just one moment to contact your congressman and senators to demand they STOP the Great Reset of the Food Supply. And then, please make your most generous contribution – to help Campaign for Liberty stop the elites’ “Great Reset.” Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Staying true to their mantra of “never let a good crisis go to waste,” the Big Government elites are continuing to use the COVID-19 panic as a way to run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution and usher in the globalists’ authoritarian agenda. And they’re planning to do it under the guise of a so-called “Great Reset.” It’s up to you and me to stop them. So consider your most generous contribution now – to help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat on Congress to say “NO!” to the so-called “Great Reset.” If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |