The consequences of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade have been immediate and awful.

Take the case of a TEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL in Ohio who was forced to travel out of state for an abortion after she was raped — because she was just three days over the six-week abortion ban.

That story is terrible enough on its own. But the Republican response to it has been even worse.

The governor of South Dakota suggested that the child should be forced to carry the pregnancy to term. And since they didn't want to deal with the morality of forcing a child to give birth, other Republicans chose to pretend like it wasn't true. Tucker Carlson and other Fox News hosts claimed it was untrue to their millions of viewers — as did Congressman Jim Jordan on his Twitter

This is a disgusting denial of this girl's humanity. It's also exactly what we must expect from radical Republicans in the new post-Roe America.

We can't have public officials in office who deny women their own bodily autonomy. You can make sure we elect unapologetically pro-choice, pro-human women in 2022 by chipping in here.

In solidarity,

— Katie