From Smart Approaches to Marijuana <[email protected]>
Subject Check out this interview with Dr. Kevin Sabet!
Date July 14, 2022 7:36 PM
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Dear Friend, I wanted to quickly share with you the news that Law360 — one of the leading legal news sites — just ran an interview with me entitled "The Opposing View on Cannabis Legalization." Here is an excerpt from the Law360 piece: (from Law360) "Kevin Sabet, the president and CEO of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, or SAM, occupies a lonely role in the landscape of cannabis policy advocacy, standing athwart the whirlwind legalization movement and imploring stakeholders, politely but gravely, to pause. "A former drug policy adviser to three presidential administrations, both Republican and Democratic, and author, most recently of Smokescreen: What the Marijuana Industry Doesn't Want You to Know, Sabet has been urging policymakers and the public to consider the risks of legalizing cannabis in the U.S., which he says is a breakneck public health crisis in the making. "The legalization movement, he argues, has been pushed into the mainstream by big business interests from the tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical sectors looking for the next hot, lucrative product that can hook the American public. "Law360 spoke to Sabet recently, just minutes after he had wrapped a talk with the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative legislation workshop. "'I threw a little bit of cold water on the [cannabis] industry representatives who are saying that this is the best thing since sliced bread and [federal legalization] is going to happen tomorrow,' he said. 'We really don't see this as inevitable...'" Click here to read the rest of the piece on the Law360 website Click here to read a PDF copy if you don't have a Law360 subscription As always, thank you so much for your support. Being able to amplify SAM’s work in notable media outlets speaks volumes to the influence our movement has and provides much-needed balance to the conversation that so routinely gets crowded with pro-industry voices. We cannot do any of this without you. Could you chip-in $1,000, $500, $250, or even just $100 to our cause today? No matter the amount, your gift will help keep us on the front of the fight against normalizing drug use and the unlimited amount of funding available to the pot industry and its supporters. Donate to SAM Today Thank you for all that you do. Together, we are saving lives.  Dr. Kevin Sabet President and CEO Smart Approaches to Marijuana SAM Action (A Project of Smart Approaches to Marijuana) | 107 S. West St, Suite 757, Alexandria, VA 22314 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by [email protected] powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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