This will set the tone for what we’re able to accomplish between now and Election Day.

Maura Healey for Governor

Our campaign office is absolutely buzzing right now because…

Our very first Weekend of Action kicks off this Saturday!

Volunteers from all across the state will be coming together for community canvasses where they’ll be knocking on doors, calling voters, and sharing with them why Maura is the best choice for Governor.

There are tons of resources that go into a big weekend like this, including volunteer training, literature to drop at people’s doors, buttons and stickers to hand out, and more.

Combined, these resources add up to a big win for Maura and our state – and a bit of a hefty price tag. We need to raise another $5,800 today to cover the costs and make sure our Weekend of Action is a huge success, so we’re reaching out to our dedicated grassroots supporters to ask: will you chip in $10 today?

We’re running a campaign that’s true to Maura’s values of inclusion, empathy, and action, which means we believe that everyone’s voice matters. We’re working hard to reach voters all across the state – and our first Weekend of Action will set the tone for what we’re able to accomplish between now and Election Day.

We want to make sure our volunteers have everything they need to have meaningful conversations with voters and share why Maura deserves their vote. To do that, we need to raise $5,800 to power launching our organizing program this weekend. Will you chip in $10 right now to help us get there?

Thanks so much,

Maura’s Organizing Team