Please be aware of scammers sending emails to citizen posing as law enforcement professionals.
It was recently reported by Harker Heights citizen that received an
email from a phony Traffic Enforcement ([email protected]).
The email stated that they were observed by a stationary traffic camera and were going twice the legal speed limit. A citation was issued, a fine amount, and it gave a link for the fine to be paid.
The email also stated that if the citizen did not pay by a certain date that points will be added to their license and a late penalty of 10% will be added to the original amount for each day late.
Please know that current statues in Texas prohibit citations from video monitored speed enforcement devices.
If anyone in the community experiences this type of scam, has had a similar encounter, or has knowledge of any activity of this nature, we are urging you to please contact the Harker Heights Police Department at 254-953-5440.