Hi John,

We are calling for people to pray for the outcome of a court case to decide if pro-life vigils in Northern Ireland will be banned.

On Tuesday 19th July, the UK Supreme Court will rule on the so-called “Abortion Safe Access Zones Bill” that pro-abortion MLAs passed in the NI Assembly in March. 

The Judges in the Supreme Court will decide if the Bill interferes with the rights of persons who wish to express their opposition to abortion in Northern Ireland. These rights are protected by the European Convention on Human Rights. These include the rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and association guaranteed by Articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Convention.

Pro-abortion Green Party Leader Clare Bailey (who lost her seat in the Election to the new Assembly on 5th May) introduced the Bill in the previous Assembly to set up so-called "safe access" zones at centres where abortions are carried out. It was passed by the Assembly in March with votes from pro-abortionists in Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance UUP, Green Party and PBP.

The draconian Bill criminalises women and men who pray outside abortion centres. In fact, the Bill makes it a CRIME to DO ANYTHING outside an abortion centre  which might “influence” a person in their decision to attend an abortion centre.

Simply holding a sign; distributing information leaflets; talking to a woman to offer her help, or simply praying outside an abortion centre will be '...punishable on conviction by fines' up to £2500. The Bill also gives police the power to '...use reasonable force' to physically '...remove' a pro-life person from the zones.

The Bill has nothing to do with ‘safe access’ to health services. These abortion zones will only apply outside the baby-killing centres, and will specifically target any person who stands anywhere within 150 metres of a centre. The terms of the legislation are so broad and sweeping, that any innocent person who acts in any way that might ‘influence’ a woman to keep her baby, will be charged with committing a crime.

The legal inconsistency of the Bill is that it does not allow for a "reasonable excuse" defence within the legislation. Most of our laws provide the “reasonable excuse” defence for someone accused of a crime. The whole basis of our legal system is that a person is innocent until proven guilty. But to pro-abortion parties like Sinn Fein, SDLP and Alliance -  being pro-life means your guilty – full stop! Not only did they vote to criminalise pro-life people, they also voted to remove all legal defence that would prove their innocence.

The date for the Court Hearing date is Tuesday 19th July 2022 and will finish on Wednesday 20 July 2022
Please pray that the Supreme Court will rule the 'Abortion Zones Bill' is illegal, and they uphold the rights of pro-life people.
Meanwhile, Precious Life’s Peaceful Pro-Life Vigils in Northern Ireland continue offering help and life-affirming alternatives to women outside these centres of death. We will never stop actively protecting unborn babies — when and wherever their lives are in danger of abortion. Come and join us for an hour at one of our peaceful Vigils to witness and pray for the unborn babies under threat of abortion. Or come along to our Street Outreach in Belfast this Saturday and be a voice for Northern Ireland's unborn babies. For more information, give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

The Precious Life Communications Team
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