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Hey, Mark Brnovich checking in…
As the Attorney General of Arizona, I’ve fought for Arizona in the Supreme Court against the Biden Administration several times.

Well, I guess they’re bored—because they’re back at it.

This time—they’re suing the state of Arizona for… wait for it…
Requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to vote.
I’m not kidding.
The Biden Administration is literally suing Arizona because we think you should have to be an American citizen to vote in an election.

Really, this lawsuit is truly meme-worthy (and I don’t even meme).
So let’s get this straight: 
The Democrats think it’s not just ok, but GREAT for non-citizens to vote in our elections?
The answer is a big, stinking yes. 
In fact, the New York State Supreme court just struck down a New York law that would have allowed 800,000 non-citizens to vote. 
Their motivation is obvious…
If they hand out entitlements to illegal immigrants and then legalize non-citizen voting rights… 
They can buy and import millions of votes for Democrats.
Crazy, right? 
Still, I can’t help but wonder why the Democrats think this is a winning policy proposal?
You would have to be completely out of touch and delusional to think it makes any sense for non-citizens to vote in American elections.
And you’d have to be even crazier to think that the majority of Americans support this.
We don’t…
But unless there are strong voices of opposition in Washington D.C…
I don’t see the Dems stopping this madness anytime soon.
That’s why I’m running for the U.S. Senate…
And it’s why I need your help.
If you haven’t already, I would LOVE for you to help volunteer with my campaign. 
Even if you’ve only got an hour a week, we need all the help we can get…
And you can play a HUGE role in keeping our elections fair and free. 
- Mark 
Copyright © 2022 Brnovich for Senate, All rights reserved.

Brnovich for Senate
PO Box 497
Phoenix, AZ 85007

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