Action Alert
Tell Congress to Reject Link Taxes
The Journalism Competition and Protection Act Would Promote Neither

Online news organizations face enormous pressures from the major internet platforms. But the way to relieve that pressure isn’t creating a quasi-copyright in links and forcing companies to pay news organizations a tax. Tell Congress to reject a link tax.
take action
The Journalism Competition and Protection Act (JCPA) would allow news organizations an exemption under antitrust law in order to force internet companies into agreements to pay them for links and snippets.
This bill assumes a nonexistent copyright in links and snippets. That has grave implications for the entire internet. Linking is how we trace information back to its source. It’s how we verify what we’re being told, and stories with very few links are frequently criticized for being poorly sourced.
Links need to be freely shared and this bill threatens that. Tell your senators and representative to vote against the JCPA.
Thank you,
Katharine Trendacosta
Activism Team | Electronic Frontier Foundation