Dear Friend, 

With just five days to go until the General Election, we're pulling out all the stops to make Trident impossible to ignore. Can you help us by making a donation?
We've already seen Trident - the UK's immoral, expensive and militarily useless nuclear weapons system - hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Politicians are asked if they would 'press the nuclear button', as if doing so were a game and not a decision that would kill many millions of people.

But we've been hard at work, lobbying hundreds of election candidates to let them know the truth about Trident: that scrapping it is a vote-winner. Now, with election day looming, we're on the home straight. Please, if you can, support us by making a donation today
Your donation can really help us push home the message to candidates that the majority of us don't want to see £205 billion wasted on replacing Trident.

They need to know that Trident isn't just about pressing the nuclear button. We want our money spent on new hospitals, schools and homes, not weapons of mass destruction. And your support will really help us get the message out loud and clear.
Please, help us make the truth about Trident impossible to ignore at this election by making a donation to CND today.
In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
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