Dear John,

Time is running out.

You need to fill out and send off your postal vote today!

To be sure your ballot will be delivered in time for 12 December, we advise you get it in the post by the end of today.

If you don’t post it by Monday at the latest, don’t worry! You can drop it off at your polling station between 7am and 10pm on polling day, 12 December.

Let us know when you’re sending off your postal vote.

But if you’ve requested a postal vote, and your ballot hasn’t arrived yet, you need to get in touch with your Electoral Services team. You can find out how to do that here!

If you’re not sure how to fill in your postal ballot, worry no more! Here’s a step by step guide:

  • Put your date of birth, and NOT today’s date on the statement form (this is attached to the ballot envelope).
  • Put you signature inside the grey box on the statement form.
  • This is important, because your form will be scanned by a machine. If it’s not clear and inside the boxes, your vote could be void!

  • Cast your vote on the ballot paper.
  • Seal up in the ballot paper in the ballot envelope. Make sure the statement form is still attached to the ballot envelope.
  • Then put the whole thing into the other postal envelope, and post it!

Everyone is busy in the run up to Christmas. After this weekend, the to-do lists will mount up and the family will start to descend.

Completing your postal vote this weekend is just one less thing to worry about.

Best wishes,

Cary Mitchell
Head of Campaigns, Best for Britain

P.S. If you’re not sure who the candidate with the best chance of beating a Brexiter is in your constituency, check and share out!


Copyright © 2019 Best for Britain, All rights reserved.
Promoted by Best for Britain, the campaign name of UK-EU OPEN POLICY LIMITED registered at International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2BN. Best for Britain is registered with The Electoral Commission.

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