Hi, it's Marcus Flowers, Democratic
Army Veteran running for Congress against Marjorie Taylor
As someone who proudly served our
nation overseas, I’ve spent plenty of time safely and responsibly
handling weapons.
My opponent Marjorie Taylor Greene,
on the other hand? She’s a beyond irresponsible gun owner who worships
the NRA and runs disturbing gun raffles to her supporters:

Marjorie Taylor Greene and her
radical-right cronies hide behind words like “patriotism,” but the
simple fact is none of them have done a damn thing to serve or protect
our country.
I’ve seen patriotism up close -- and Marjorie Taylor Greene
is no patriot.
time to end the NRA’s death grip on Congress, starting with defeating
Marjorie Taylor Greene right here in Georgia. Will you help me flip
this seat into Democratic hands by donating
It’s on us to enact sensible gun
control, defeat Marjorie Taylor Greene, and save democracy.
There is no time to
Marcus Flowers
Paid for by
Marcus for Georgia PO Box 532 Rome, GA 30162 United