News from Representative Pete Aguilar

Dear John,

I know times are tough right now for families here in the Inland Empire and across the country. Gas prices have never been higher, and people are paying a lot more food, rent and so much more. That’s why I think it’s wrong for oil and gas companies to put their shareholders over consumers while bringing in record profits. To put an end to this shameless profiteering, I voted for the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act.

Most of us rely on our cars to get to work, school, doctor visits, and anywhere else we need to go each day. We are being asked to pay more at the pump while the oil and gas companies enrich themselves and their shareholders. That’s not right. Our bill will help provide relief by lowering energy costs for millions of Americans.

As the price of oil continues to drop, the largest seven oil companies choose not to lower prices at the pump, and instead continue efforts to enrich their largest shareholders. This could mean $41 billion in additional profits this year alone. The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would make it unlawful to increase gas and home energy prices during these unprecedented times.

This legislation is the latest proposal I’ve helped pass in the House of Representatives that would help lower everyday costs for Americans. In February, the House passed the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength (America COMPETES) Act, which invests $52 billion to produce more chips in America and $45 billion to support our supply chains to help lower costs. This bill is currently being negotiated in a bipartisan and bicameral Congressional committee and I hope we can send it to the President’s desk for his signature this summer.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you should have any further questions or concerns.






Pete Aguilar
Member of Congress

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