It’s even worse than we thought.


Folks I am fuming.


Yesterday I wrote to you about the White House’s absurd claim that abortion rights activists and progressive members of Congress are “out of step” with the party’s mainstream.


I thought their tone-deaf reaction to the criticism was bad enough. A weak executive order and tepid calls to “consider” a “carve-out” for the filibuster for abortion rights ONLY (not voting rights, not climate action, not living wages) all signal that the party leadership is completely disconnected from what Democratic voters demand.


But if it wasn’t clear enough, then we heard this:

A screenshot of a headline by HuffPost which reads: “White House Privately Signaling It’s Moving Forward With Anti-Abortion Court Pick” with the subtitle: “Despite outcry from Democrats and reproductive rights groups, Biden isn’t backing off plans to nominate Chad Meredith, a source tells HuffPost.” Accompanying the article is a photo of Mr. Meredith, a white man with graying sandy-colored hair and glasses, who is pictured with his lips pressed together and a forced frown.

Why on earth is Joe Biden moving ahead with a deal he brokered with Mitch McConnell to put ANOTHER forced-birth judge on the bench after ALL that’s happened in the last two weeks?


More to the point, why is our representative – my opponent Rick Larsen – standing by in silence while this happens?


I want you to know that when I serve this district in Congress I will be a loud and unapologetic advocate for our rights – even when it means opposing party leadership that is dangerously disconnected from the will of the voters.


Certain things are just facts. Like 2 + 2 equals 4, and you can’t trust a deal made with Mitch McConnell.


Ballots drop in just two days. My team has knocked on thousands of doors, and we’re ready to bring this home. Help me win this primary so I can go to Congress and stand up for our rights.





---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Jason Call <[email protected]>

Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 10:30 AM

Subject: Who’s out of step?


The White House says activists who are demanding Democrats do more to restore and permanently protect abortion rights are “out of step with the mainstream of the Democratic Party.”


I’ve been an activist for 30 years, fighting to end forever wars, pass universal healthcare, stop the climate crisis, and much more. And when I talk to abortion rights advocates who’ve been in the trenches of this fight, I certainly don’t think their ideas are radical.


I wondered who was really out of step here. So I looked up a few statistics. It turns out that progressive policies, including abortion rights and court reform, are unbelievably popular with the American people – and especially with Democratic voters.


Looking at the policies, among Democratic voters:

  • 80% support single payer healthcare

  • 91% support raising the federal minimum wage

  • 85% support codifying Roe

  • 57% support abolishing the filibuster (that number is rising)

  • 64% support expanding the Supreme Court

If anyone is out of step here, it’s Democrats who’ve been in power for DECADES and refused to fight for working people and families.


I’ve been an activist and organizer for 30 years. I’m a former teacher, a union leader, and a working class dad. I’m running for Congress to fight for working families like yours and mine. Will you pitch in to help me win this seat in WA-02?

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This is a make-or-break moment for our democracy – and our planet. Radical right-wing forces are organizing to take over state and local seats even in solid progressive states like Washington, and we can’t give them even a single foothold.


Right now there are seven Republicans – each more extreme than the last – and one independent running in this primary against me and the 22-year incumbent, Rick Larsen.


Washington’s top-two primary system means we can shut down the reactionary right-wing candidates NOW by putting two Democrats on the November ballot to help drive Democratic turnout for downballot races.


In 2020 my team came within 1% of defeating the top performing Republican and winning this primary. This year, our campaign is firing on all cylinders. We’ve raised FAR more than any of Rick Larsen’s challengers, and we’ve knocked well over twice as many doors as the incumbent.


If we’re going to stop the right-wing takeover of our government, we need leaders who support the bold, progressive policies that the majority of Americans want.


Rick Larsen is completely out of step with his voter base, and I need your help to defeat him in November. Can you pitch in to our 100% people-powered campaign today?




Jason Call 


Jason Call is a lifelong activist who grew up in WA. For years he worked with the local Democratic party and organizers to bring real progressive change to his state. He’s running for Congress to fight for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, ending constant wars, and the right of working people to live in dignity with a living wage, free college, and housing as a human right. Please support this people-powered campaign to elect a fighter for the working class. If you’re not able to make a contribution right now, but you still want to support this campaign, you can help us get the word out by forwarding this message to your friends and family.


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 ©2022 Elect Jason Call for Congress, all rights reserved


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