Friend, what is the answer to the current mental health crisis that is tearing apart and ravaging our nation and devastating individuals, marriages and families?
The past couple of years have only worsened this tragedy, with prolonged lockdowns increasing depression and even suicidal thoughts among children and adults alike.
And while there is an abundance of graduate counseling programs out there, so few of them focus on the dignity of the whole human person.
Instead, they treat symptoms of a disease without ever understanding the root cause.
People are treated merely as symptoms. Problems linger.
At Divine Mercy University, we're fully committed to forming mental health professionals who blend a Judeo-Christian understanding of the human person created in the image and likeness of God with compassionate mental health science and practices.
Our graduates are equipped to bring hope and healing to those suffering from depression, trauma, abuse and many other mental health challenges.
And they feel called by God to change the culture.
But before I get ahead of myself, let me step back.
My name is Fr. Charles Sikorsky and I'm blessed to be the president of Divine Mercy University.
Our graduate school is fully committed to bringing Judeo-Christian values back into the classroom and into the field of psychology itself.
The problem of mental health is often overlooked in Christian circles, which can leave many suffering people feeling lonely and abandoned in their time of need.
Galatians 6:2 says "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Every day I can see the direct impact donations from generous folks like yourself have on the ability of our students to prepare to carry other people's burdens.
I am continually inspired by the commitment of our Divine Mercy University family, and I hope you are able to take part in supporting the incredible team we have assembled to empower students ready to transform culture and change lives through integrated psychology.
Our graduates serve those who are hurting and make a vital difference in our culture.
Unfortunately, many gifted students are denied the opportunity for higher education at Divine Mercy University because of a lack of funding.
Our university and its students feel called by God to change the culture from one that has strayed from a Christ-centered vision and turns humans into mere commodities. It is one that also promotes secular "solutions" for human miseries that do not lead to healing. These solutions can actually perpetuate the suffering and force those in need to continue coming back for more "care."
You may not be able to go back to school yourself and become a therapist, but by supporting our students and their vital work, you're also helping every patient that they will treat.
And with depression and suicide on the rise in our country, you could truly be helping to save lives.
For some of our students, financial aid can be the difference between getting their degree in psychology or abandoning their dreams.
It could be the difference between countless patients being treated with real human dignity or being mistreated with a lack of compassionate care provided with a Christian perspective.
Whether or not you're able to give today, I would ask that you keep us in your prayers as we work to restore the dignity of the human person in the field of psychology.
And I will be praying for you as well!
May God bless you, Fr. Charles Sikorsky, L.C.
P.S. Major mental health crises are on the rise but you have the chance right now to help heal God's broken children. Will you partner with Divine Mercy University with a gift of $35 or more to our STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND and help ensure we can continue educating future mental health professionals to treat the root causes of mental illness with Judeo-Christian values?
P.P.S. If you would like more information about the programs offered by Divine Mercy University, please visit our website at
The Institute for the Psychological Sciences, dba Divine Mercy University, is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our Tax ID Number is 54-1911091. A charitable contribution of $250.00 or more is not tax deductible without proper acknowledgment. If a gift is received in return for a donation, only the portion of the donation that exceeds the value of the gift is tax-deductible. ©2022 Divine Mercy University. All rights reserved.
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