
This is Joe Kent’s campaign manager, Ozzie Gonzalez.

I’m sure you’re getting bombarded with donation requests (including from us) as important primary dates get closer, but I wanted to send an email to give you a concrete explanation of what we are doing with your donation and how it’s bringing us closer to victory.

$25 pays for ten yard signs (including stakes). Click here to donate $25.

$50 pays for 122 pieces of direct mail (including postage). Click here to donate $50.

$100 pays for 4550 Facebook video ad impressions. Click here to donate $100.

$250 pays for 7576 30-second ads on streaming platforms. Click here to donate $250

$500 pays for about four radio ads on KXL during the top-rated Lars Larson program. Click here to donate $500.

$1000 pays for 1100 advocacy phone calls. Click here to donate $1000.  

$2900 pays for a field organizer who will knock on 3500 doors. Click here to donate $2900.

In these final days, we’re facing opponents with millions of dollars trying to defeat Joe. I hope that if you are able to see exactly what your money pays for, you can better appreciate how much a difference your generosity makes.

Please help us win this race for Joe with an emergency contribution today: https://www.joekentforcongress.com/donate.

Thank you,

Ozzie Gonzalez