
West Suburban Illinois Democratic Socialists of America invite you to

THIS Saturday, July 16, 2022
3:30pm onward
1405 Garfield Avenue
Aurora, IL 60506

Burgers, dogs, and camaraderie will be provided.
Guests are encouraged to bring drinks, sides, folding chairs, and your self!

Party RSVP

Also, there will be a teach-in beforehand at the local library branch nearest the party, hosted by Indivisible Aurora for anyone interested:

TEACH-IN: What is Mutual Aid?
hosted by Indivisible Aurora
THIS Saturday, July 16, 2022 @ 2:00pm
Aurora Public Library - West Branch
233 S Constitution Drive
Aurora, IL 60506

Teach-In RSVP

We hope to see you Saturday at one or both events!

Join us on Slack - stay in the loop!