WNBPA member and our union sister Brittney Griner has been wrongfully detained in Russia for more than 140 days.
Free Brittney Griner. Add Your Name. A picture of Brittney Griner in her basketball jersey.

Hi john,


On Feb. 17, WNBA star, Women’s National Basketball Players Association (WNBPA) member and our union sister Brittney Griner was detained upon her arrival in Moscow.


Griner is a two-time Olympic gold medalist.
An elite global athlete.
And one of us.


This is why we must do everything in our power to bring her home as soon as possible.

The State Department has officially classified Griner as wrongfully detained, meaning no matter the status of her legal case, the U.S. government will negotiate her release.


Please join a broad and growing coalition that supports Brittney Griner and the Biden administration as it continues to do everything in its power to get Brittney and all other detainees home.

In Solidarity,

California Labor Federation