Episode 118 uploaded July 10: Sam Goldman interviews Dr. Thomas Lecaque about apocalyptic Christianity, the
GOP in 2022 and the medieval roots of support for secular fascists, like
Trump, from Christian Nationalists.
Read his recent articles Patriot Front and the Next Stage of the Culture War, “Jesus, guns, babies”: Religious violence is now at the core of the Republican Party, and this piece from 2019 in The Washington Post: The apocalyptic myth that helps explain evangelical support for Trump.
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Dr. Thomas Lecaque: The level of atrocities that are coming through the Supreme Court is one of those things that I am starting to lose track of because everything is so awful. Things that they are passing are designed to kill people. The cost is staggering and it has to be fought. It has to be fought every single day in whatever ways that you can. The moral arc of the universe, if such a thing exists, is long and we we have to bend it. You have to reach up and grab it with both hands, and however small a nudge we can make in our own lives all of us together have to grab it. We have to bend it towards justice, not just once, but every day, every year, every generation over and over and over and over again.
Episode 117 uploaded July 5. Sam Goldman and Coco Das discuss Coco’s new article for The Independent: Roe has been overturned and women’s bodies are no longer their own in America. Here’s what to do now.
In the last several weeks SCOTUS issued a series of rulings which
flag that they are no longer concerned with the appearance of
legitimacy: rights no longer need to be read to people arrested by the
police, states cannot issue laws restricting who can conceal guns, and
the EPA cannot prevent power plants from filling the air with pollution, and more.

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Coco Das: I
think we’re gonna look back on this moment and this week as a watershed
moment in history. It’s quite shocking that half of humanity has lost
basic rights. I think most people have not given up, but it’s going to
take work. This is a moment of reckoning, and we all have to really ask
ourselves, what kind of world do we want to live in?
The Overturning of Abortion Rights Is ILLEGITIMATE! This Decision Must Not Stand.
Into the Streets to Demand:
The Federal Government Must Restore NATIONWIDE LEGAL ABORTION NOW!
>> full statement
>> protests demanding restoration of LEGAL abortion nationwide
Refuse Fascism national team
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