Hello John,

Thank you so much for your continued support of our movement to help real people with real problems find real solutions!  

When we began, we committed to running this campaign differently and we continue to make good on that promise! 

  • We can be found in our rural communities, learning with our younger communities, and holding space with and for our historically marginalized communities in Idaho.  
  • We are inviting everyone to be a part of the conversation even when it’s difficult. 
  • We are talking about the real issues that matter to Idaho’s families and we are not afraid to speak plainly. 

Just this past Wednesday, we spent time learning from Marisela Pesina, Board Chair for Caldwell School District’s Board of Trustees, and candidate for Idaho House of Representatives to represent District 11B. Marisela took the time and care to educate me about the history of the Latinx community in Caldwell. It was an eye-opening experience and I look forward to continuing this conversation with Marisela and our Latinx community leaders across the state. 
You won’t see the sitting Senator from Idaho making this commitment. He has been in Washington so long he has forgotten about the challenges Idahoans face every day. He hasn't taken the time to talk to you. And why should he? You are not the ones supporting his D.C. agenda or his campaign. In fact, he received less than 4% of his 2022 fundraising from folks that actually live in Idaho. I’m sure he finds the time for big donors from big corporations and special interest groups. Just not you!

Our campaign is funded almost entirely by small, individual donations from people just like yourself. And that brings me to the exciting news I wanted to share with you today.

As of this morning we have received 2,950 individual contributions! Wow! We have come a long way since that very first contribution from Idaho House Minority Leader, Ilana Rubel.
Thanks to your continued financial support we have been able to hire the staff that we need to carry us through the next phase of this campaign and travel the state to ensure we can show up and support candidates and communities.

My opponent doesn't realize that the true power in our democracy rests with the people. Your donations will continue to add up, and come November will yield huge gains.

This year we are seeing more voters who are fed up with career politicians who don’t care about them, and we’re seeing them engage in deep and meaningful ways. Help give us the best chance we have had in years. Let's not leave anything on the table.

Thank you so much!

David Roth