Friday, December 6, 2019
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer

This morning's shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida is being investigated by the FBI as an act of terrorism.  The shooter was reportedly a Saudi national who was on the base for flight training.  Three people were killed and seven others were wounded.  The terrorist was shot and killed by responding officers. 
Today's events are reminiscent of many concerns about 9/11.  Several of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals who attended Florida flight schools.
Please join me in praying for the victims and their families.
Meet The New G.O.P.
We've all heard stories or seen movies with the stereotypical old man yelling, "Get off my lawn!"  I usually don't embrace stereotypes, but Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, two Grumpy Old Politicians, really setback the reputation of the elderly this week. 
While campaigning in Iowa, Biden got a totally predictable question about his son's work for a Ukrainian natural gas company.  Merle Gorman, who posed the question, is a Marine veteran, a retired farmer, an Elizabeth Warren supporter, and a little overweight. 
But Biden lost it.  He called Gorman "a damn liar," appeared to call him "fat," challenged him to a pushup contest and implied that Gorman was too sedentary. 
And then there was Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  As she was leaving yesterday morning's press conference, a reporter shouted a legitimate question about whether she was pursuing impeachment simply because the left hates Donald Trump. 
Pelosi stopped, turned around and rushed back to the podium.  She denounced the reporter for asking such an offensive question, and claimed that as a Catholic she doesn't hate anyone.  
Well, the Catholic Church does not believe in abortion either.  But Nancy Pelosi promotes abortion.  The Catholic Church does not believe in the redefinition of marriage and gender.  But Nancy Pelosi is all in on that too. 
And I don't recall Pelosi denouncing progressives who routinely accuse men and women of faith (here, here and here) of being hate-filled bigots for believing in the sanctity of life and traditional marriage.
The Left's Hate
I can't look into Pelosi's soul, but this impeachment effort is only happening because of progressive hatred for Trump.  (Need a reminder?)  They have been trying to force him out of office literally since the day he was inaugurated
Sadly, the left is going "nuclear" with a purely partisan impeachment effort at the very time in which two-thirds of the public already fears we're headed toward a civil war.  Meanwhile, Pelosi is stalling major legislation and using rhetoric guaranteed to further divisions. 
We all know how this ends -- with Trump's acquittal in the Senate.  But the only people applauding this process are radical progressives and our enemies overseas, who are thrilled by the discord in Washington and the chaos across our country. 
Speaking of hate, Professor Jonathan Turley, a liberal who had the courage to "resist" the left's insane demands, has been deluged with hateful phone calls and messages since Wednesday's hearing.
This is the kind of snarling vitriol I deal with every day at American Values, fighting for faith, family and freedom.  That's why I hope you will include American Values in your end of year giving.
Four More Years!
Speaker Pelosi suggested several times yesterday that America can't survive another four years of this administration.  Well, based on this morning's incredible jobs report, I suspect many Americans feel differently.
Job creation in November -- 266,000 new jobs -- shattered the experts' predictions of 187,000.  In addition, the figures for September and October were adjusted up by 41,000 jobs.  Wages are up, and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low. 
No wonder Democrats are so desperate to impeach this president.  They know they can't beat him on the issues.
The Totalitarian Left
Rep. Adam Schiff's phone records scandal is beginning to get some desperately needed attention.  (Here, here and here.)  Schiff won't say how he got them, but he should be forced to.  Every American should be alarmed by this invasion of privacy. 
Somehow, Schiff got his hands on John Solomon's phone records.  Solomon is an investigative journalist who has looked extensively into Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine.  Every reporter should be outraged by this government intrusion.
On what basis did Schiff get Rudy Giuliani's phone records?  He is the president's personal attorney.  Attorney-client privilege, the principle that a lawyer's communications with his client are kept private, is fundamental to the American legal system.  Where is the ACLU's outrage? 
Schiff also got Rep. Devin Nunes's records.  For a Democrat committee chairman to spy on the committee's ranking Republican is a tremendous abuse of power.  Just imagine what Congress will be like if this becomes standard practice!
The huge irony here is that Pelosi, Schiff and their progressive allies are screaming that President Trump is violating our rights and abusing his power when they are doing exactly what they are accusing him of doing.  Perhaps we should impeach Pelosi and Schiff too!
By the way, today's Wall Street Journal argues that Adam Schiff did a better of job of impeaching Joe Biden than Donald Trump.
American Values regularly works with pro-family legal organizations to fight back against the use of government power to suppress the rights of Christians and conservatives.  Your support is the only thing that keeps American Values going!
Remembering Pearl Harbor
Tomorrow the nation will commemorate Pearl Harbor Day, and keeping with the pattern of recent years, very little has been said about it.  
People from my generation can tell you where they were and what they were doing when news broke that John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King were assassinated.  For younger people, it's the same for 9/11. But for the Greatest Generation, December 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy," was just such a day.
It was a sunny Sunday morning at Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.  At 7:48 AM local time, hundreds of Imperial Japanese planes descended from the sky and attacked. Eight U.S. battleships and 188 planes were destroyed in the surprise attack.  Some 2,403 Americans were killed.
The next day, tens of thousands of men responded by enlisting in the military.  Every day, fewer men and women from that generation remain with us.

Thankfully, Lou Conter, who was on board the USS Arizona 78 years ago, is still with us and will be attending tomorrow's events.
No Safe Spaces
A disturbing poll this week found that 27% of Americans want to limit the First Amendment in order to ban speech they find offensive.  Even worse, nearly half of them (48%) believe that people who say offensive things should be put in jail.
This poll show why "No Safe Spaces" is a must see movie!  The film features Dennis Prager, Adam Corolla, Tim Allen, Jordan Peterson, Alan Dershowitz, Ben Shapiro, Van Jones and Cornell West. 
Please encourage your friends and family members to see "No Safe Spaces," which is playing in more than 150 theaters across the country this weekend.  If the movie is not playing in your area, contact your local theaters and urge them to get it. 



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