
This morning, Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before my colleagues in the House Judiciary Committee.

Here’s what you need to know from the testimony:

  • Mueller was asked directly if the report exonerated Trump. His answer was unequivocal: “No.”
  • Donald Trump tried to fire Robert Mueller.
  • Donald Trump sought to protect himself by asking staff to falsify records and lie about an ongoing investigation.

In effect, today’s testimony reiterated what we already knew: Donald Trump obstructed justice, and it’s our lawful, constitutional, and patriotic duty to impeach him for it.

John, we can’t rely on Robert Mueller to hold Trump accountable. It’s on us. It’s our responsibility as members of Congress and our duty as Americans.

It’s time to begin impeachment proceedings NOW to answer the questions Mueller won’t.

Join me in calling on the House Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment proceedings and launch a thorough investigation into Trump, his 2016 campaign, and the charge of obstruction of justice.

This is a critical time for our country and we need your voice on this.

Thank you,
