Dear John,
Thank you for joining Millennial Action Project's efforts to find bipartisan solutions to the most pressing challenges our generation faces.
Amid political stagnation, we launched the Future Caucus movement to combat political disillusionment by supporting the leadership of young elected officials. Since then members of our Congressional Future Caucus and our State Future Caucus Network, have advanced policies on issues affecting both millennials and future generations.
We hope you'll join us as we make political cooperation among young elected officials a reality across the country. Already, we've had members of our caucus address issues including the rising cost of college tuition and the growth of student loan debt, the sharing economy, online voter registration, the environment, and more.
Excited about our mission? Please consider donating to help keep our work going.
To stay up-to-date on the latest #FutureCaucus news, be sure to follow us on Twitter at @MActionProject: [link removed] , and like our Facebook page: [link removed].
We'll be in touch soon!
Layla Zaidane
President & CEO