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July 13, 2022
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House to Vote on Two Radical Abortion Bills
Urgent Action Needed! Please contact your Representatives immediately and forward this information via email and social media!
On Friday, July 15th, the U.S. House of Representatives is poised to vote on two abortion bills: the Women’s Health Protection Act (H.R. 8296) and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act (H.R. 8297). Both bills are an attempt to undermine the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision by encroaching on states’ rights.
First, H.R. 8296 legalizes all abortions nationwide. In doing so, it will end every pro-life provision in state and federal law. The bill states that health care providers and women seeking an abortion have a “statutory right to abortion” without limitation or requirement. The abortion lobby and radical anti-life Washington politicians want to make abortion for any reason up until the moment of birth the law of the land.
Specifically, the Women’s Health Protection Act:
  • Prevents States from enacting gestational limits on abortion
  • Allows abortion after viability if an abortionist finds “continuation of pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health (undefined)”
  • Eliminates all waiting periods in State law
  • Removes all health and safety standards for abortion clinics and providers including the requirement that abortion providers have “hospital transfer arrangements”
  • Prohibits counseling regarding alternatives to abortion and calls such counseling “medically inaccurate”
  • Bans State requirements for ultrasounds before abortion
  • Makes it illegal to limit prescriptions for abortion drugs and enact regulations regarding the provision of “abortion services via telemedicine”
  • Prohibits limits on abortion for sex selection or disability diagnosis
  • Directs the courts to strike down any State regulations that “deter some patients from accessing abortion services”. In other words, all abortion laws must be PRO-ABORTION, not “pro-choice”. 
Then, H.R. 8297 strips all individuals of their conscience rights and usurps standing state and federal laws. Under this bill, no one will be able to prevent an abortion from occurring even the woman is being trafficked or abused. The language explicitly protects anyone assisting in an abortion even if they transport a woman across state lines. Proponents are disregarding the safety and dignity of mothers and their babies just to win a political fight.  
The US already has some of the most egregious abortion laws in world. Our policies on abortion place us in the ranks of China and North Korea, two countries that the world agrees violate human rights! Indeed, technology and science tell us that by 6-weeks a baby has a heartbeat. By 10-weeks, babies have arms, legs, fingers, and toes. By 15-weeks, babies can taste and make facial expressions, yawn, hiccup, and suck their thumbs.
It's time our legislators recognize that abortion ends in the destruction of a human life. Please contact your Representative and ask them to vote NO on the Women’s Health Protection Act (H.R. 8296) and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act (H.R. 8297).
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Email your Representative
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