Texas Values “Merry Christmas Texas Project” Aims to End War on Christmas

Every year we hear of stories where the government tries to ban references to Christmas in public schools and on public property. This week, Texas Values announced the launch of its annual “Merry Christmas Texas Project,” a statewide effort to educate and protect the acknowledgment of Christmas in public schools. The Merry Christmas Texas Law, authored by State Representative Dwayne Bohac, was passed with bipartisan support in the Texas Legislature and signed into law in 2013 to protect the religious liberty of children, parents, teachers, and school staff. The Texas Values legal and policy team helped draft the law.

At MerryChristmasTexas.com, Texans can educate themselves about their rights under the Merry Christmas Law and learn more about the issue by downloading a summary of the law and sharing with their school district. Our goal with the Merry Christmas Texas Project is to educate millions of Texas public school students, parents, and our over 1,200 school districts of their protections under Texas’ Merry Christmas Law. Texans across the state are rising up to say it’s time to end the ‘War on Christmas’ and the fear caused by political correctness.



State Agency Attacks Texas Judge Over Biblical View of Marriage

Waco Justice of the Peace Dianne Hensley was recently given a “public warning” by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for her Biblical beliefs as a Christian that does not allow her perform same-sex marriages. In the words of the Commission’s order, Judge Hensley’s religiously motivated policy was ethically wrong for “casting doubt on her capacity to act impartially” as a judge.

Judge Hensley’s staff have simply referred same-sex couples to other qualified officiants nearby willing to perform their ceremonies. In a Daily Citizen article by Focus on the Family, Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz warned, “The war on religious freedom continues. Now we have some in this ‘state commission’ threatening Christian judges who refuse to participate in same-sex ceremonies. This is a clear example of putting politics above universal principles of freedom.”



Pardo Family Case Dismissed!

After a victory at the Texas Supreme Court which enabled their child to come home, the Drake Pardo family was still dealing with the underlying legal matters concerning the original CPS complaint against them. Despite pressure to continue legal harassment of the Pardo family from a court appointed attorney representing the child, both CPS and the Pardo family have agreed to dismiss the charges. Texas Values signed on to a friend of the court legal brief to show support for parental rights in the case. Learn more from our friends at Texas Home School Coalition.


#GivingTuesday Help Needed

We are so thankful for everyone that supported us on #GivingTuesday. While we saw tremendous support, we did fall a little short of our goal. As we enter into our year-end fundraising season, we hope your will consider supporting Texas Values and join in our mission of standing for biblical values across our great state. A gift to Texas Values is an investment in the largest and most effective statewide organization advancing faith, family, and freedom in Texas. There is still time to help us reach our goal.



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220