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Ryan Kelley Announces Lieutenant Governor Pick 

Ryan Kelley, Republican Candidate for Gubernatorial Governor, announced Jamie Swafford,  former Ethnic Vice Chair of the Michigan Republican Party, as his Lieutenant Governor pick. 

"Jamie is incredible," said Kelley. "She is a voice of freedom that has been traveling across our great state. She has been spreading the message of freedom, hope and prosperity. I am proud that she accepted my invitation. Let's win this!"

Jamie Swafford has a background in law enforcement.

Having completed the police academy, she also received a degree in Criminial justice. 

Swafford became a voice of hope, as she and her husband traveled the state, working tirelessly to promote constitutional conservative candidates. 

At many of these events, she got to speak with Kelley, and they soon realized that their America First/Michigan First priorities were in alignment, and that together, they could achieve great things for the people of Michigan. 

"What an incredible honor to be considered for the position of Lieutenant Governor," Swafford said. Thank you Ryan, for your confidence in me.  I will not let you down."

View Jamie Swafford's  bio: https://ryandkelley.com/ltgov.


John, The Primary Election is 3 weeks away!

Will you chip in $10, $20, $50, $100 or more to help get out the vote so that more people will vote Ryan Kelley on August 2.


As always, I am humbled and grateful for your support.


To liberty!

Ryan D. Kelley

Candidate for Michigan Governor

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