Dear, John,

Yesterday, yet another injustice and yet another abuse of the right to life and of the sovereignty of European states was consummated.

In spite of the social, political and economic crisis of families, in spite of the demographic crisis that is bringing our continent to its knees, yesterday the European Parliament approved the resolution by which it wants to include abortion within the European Charter of Rights.

With 324 votes in favour, 115 against, and 38 abstentions, yesterday the European bureaucrats decided to bow to the obsessive abortionist agenda of the radical left to secure a step forward for abortion to be considered a 'right', pledging that the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights would be rewritten with the blood of innocent children...

A day of mourning for the history of rights in Europe, but despite this I beg you not to let it get you down.

I want to make a few things clear to you:

First - the resolution has no particular legal value and is not binding on member states. Despite this, it carries a political weight that cannot leave us indifferent.

Second - the decision left me horrified, but not surprised. I warned that our pro-life victory in the US would trigger the wrath of the pro-death lobbies and their immediate counter-attack, and it did. Our victory intimidated them, because they had underestimated us. 

Now they are aware that they are dealing with people who are tenacious, fierce, and prepared not to give up even one step in defense of the value of life. After we sent them more than 100 000 people’s messages through our petition, they now know that CitizenGO is no longer to be trifled with....

Well, it is time for you to become aware of the historical moment we are in: WE ARE AT WAR!

Yesterday the pro-abortion lobby won a battle. In a war, battles are won and lost. But what counts is the end result. And you and I, together with millions of active CitizenGO citizens, can secure victory.

100 000 signatures in such a short time is a big thing! Thank you to all of you who joined this battle, we gained some votes for Life with your contribution. Now I am inviting you to continue to fight with us.

Here is now what we will do:

  • The radical left and the pro-abortion lobbies will do everything now to get in our way and impose their deadly political agenda all over the world. We need to reorganize our resources to effectively set up our campaigns in defense of life. Your support will be crucial
  • We are preparing our next move to deal a major blow to the radicals and their agenda. I will bring you up to speed in the coming days....
  • Yesterday's vote divided the European conservative groups. It shows that we cannot trust them if we do not grasp their commitment to defending life. We are already mobilizing our teams and members to plan our next actions towards them, especially towards those who have not shown their full support for our values.

You must know, in fact, that the EPP has completely split in front of this vote. But the group leaders to whom you sent your message by signing our petition responded positively.

Before I say goodbye, I would like to show you a photo. It is a shocking photo, I know, but you need to see it to realize what we are up against:

This picture was taken in front of the US Supreme Court a few days ago, at a protest rally of abortion groups.

This image represents their aim: to rewrite human rights history with the blood of innocents, with the holocaust of vulnerable children.

Between them and their goal there is only you. 

Only you can prevent the complete decline, only you can prevent a crime like abortion from one day being definitively recognised as a 'right'. Only you can stop this and ensure that abortion becomes just a bad memory in human history.

You can make a choice (there is always a choice): to remain helpless, indifferent, and let it all happen. Or you can choose to take the road of truth, justice and courage together with me and CitizenGO.

Which side will you be on? Will you fight? I am sure you will make the right choice... because I believe in you, I believe in us, I believe in our cause.

It is a time for heroes. It's your time. Let us stand up and fight again, for the voiceless, for the weak, for what is just and sacred. For life!

Strength and courage.

Owen Stevens and the whole CitizenGO team

Thanks for all you do!

Owen Stevens and the entire CitizenGO Team

PS: We need your help to prevent abortion from being definitively recognized as a 'right'! Will you Donate today to help CitizenGO continue the fight for Life?