The latest NDIS news - without the spin or jargon No Images? Click here ![]() Hi Supporter, There’s been a lot happening lately – this week alone we have had Royal Commission hearings in Melbourne looking into group homes, International Day of People with Disability and the release of a new report on the NDIS. There’s so much happening it can be a bit hard to keep track of it all - so here’s our quick recap. Meeting with the NDIA CEOOn Wednesday our Campaign Director Kirsten Deane and the Chair of the National Disability and Carer Alliance Leah van Poppel met with the new CEO of the NDIA Martin Hoffman. Kirsten and Leah passed on all your messages about what needs to be done to get the NDIS working for everyone who needs it. Mr Hoffman has a big job in front of him – so we wanted him to know how keen everyone is to help him get the scheme working the way it should. (You might remember we decided to give Mr Hoffman a few ideas of where he could get started – you can read our 100 day plan for him here) ![]() The Committee’s verdict? Just get on with it!With all the business of International Day of People with Disability on Tuesday it was easy to miss that the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS released the first of their reports – this one all about planning. And from the very first page the Committee made it abundantly clear they share your frustration with the slow pace of change. Their report makes twelve practical sensible recommendations. And while the language is a bit bureaucratic and government-ish, to be honest they read just like they were written by everyone in the Every Australian Counts community. Draft plans, more training for LACs and planners, simple and plain communication, greater consistently – all of these featured in the recommendations. If you haven’t got time to read the whole report (and let’s face it there is so much going on) you can check out our quick summary. A quick catch up with Carleeta and Ben on International Day
Tuesday was International Day of People with Disability. The purpose of the day is to promote understanding of the issues facing people with disability, and to push for change. To be honest some of the celebrations on International Day are a bit naff. And we don’t often hear from young people or people who use different forms of communication. So we asked our Champions Ben and Carleeta what they had been up to lately – and what they would most like to see change for people with disability in this country. ![]() The NDIS is reviewing prices – have your sayThe NDIS holds a price review every year. But this year the NDIA have done a MUCH better job telling people what is happening and what they want feedback on. And they have made it really clear that they want to hear from everyone – not just providers. You have told us a lot about what you think about prices – now it is time to tell the powers that be. So if you have anything to say about how much things cost, or how the price guide and support catalogue could be better, or anything at all to do with prices – this is the time to be heard. This review is open all the way until February 2, 2020 so there is plenty of time to have your say. Dr George tells the Royal Commission what needs to happen with housingThere has been a lot of talk this week at the Royal Commission about what life was like for people with disability locked in institutions. Many (but not all) of those institutions have closed - but have things really changed that much? Our good friend Dr George Taleporos says we still have a very long way to go when it comes to people with disability being able to chose where and who they live with – and how they want to live their life. Dr George gave evidence at the Royal Commission this week but before he did he told us what he planned to say – and just what he things needs to change for people with disability to be able to live the life they chose. That’s it for the news this week. There’s more to come before the end of the year so watch this space and head over to our Facebook page for the NDIS news as it happens. Thank you for everything you do. Kirsten and the Every Australian Counts team ![]() ![]() |