Voter Protection and Ballot Access Interfaith Briefing with Chair Jamie Harrison and DNC Senior Staff

Hi all,

We are excited about our upcoming virtual Voter Protection and Ballot Access Briefing, and would love for you to be there! As a reminder the event will take place on July 19th, 2022 from 12pm-1pm ET. Featuring DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and our Voter Protection Team, this event will dive into the importance of protecting the vote in the 2022 election and beyond, and will have an emphasis on how the Interfaith community can be involved.

To RSVP, please use the link below. If you have any questions, please reach out to the DNC’s Interfaith Advisor, Fred Davie, at [email protected]. 

Thank you!

All guests attending or participating in this event must either be operating on the “coordinated side” of federal campaign finance law OR must not work for an organization that engages in electoral activity. If you or your organization are involved in or are making “independent expenditures,” “electioneering communications,” other paid public communications concerning elections or that trigger coordination issues under 11 C.F.R. 109.21(c) (or analogous state campaign finance coordination laws) this cycle, or are otherwise engaged in GOTV or voter registration activities that cannot be coordinated with federal party committees and candidates, you may not attend, unless you are personally separated from that work by a firewall within your organization that satisfies the requirements of 11 C.F.R. 109.21(h) (or are otherwise structuring your activities later in the cycle so that you can coordinate with candidates and party committees at this time). By attending, you agree that you comply with these requirements and also agree that you will not share any information you obtain through this event with any person or entity on the “independent side” or that is engaged in communications and activities that cannot be coordinated with the DNC. Please reach out to your own counsel if you have questions about these legal requirements prior to the meeting.*
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