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Authentic Communication: The key to meaningful connection and engagement 

Four big things can hamper success in any organization, team, or relationship: lack of buy-in, lack of trust, inequities, and strife arising from toxic conflict. Authentic communication, however, can begin a process to correct, reset, build momentum, and boost productivity.


Decolonizing Wealth
Book Club

On January 21, join author and fellow grantmaker Edgar Villanueva for an interactive discussion about his best-selling book Decolonizing Wealth, a provocative analysis of the oppressive dynamics in play in philanthropy and finance. Villanueva will speak candidly about key concepts in the book and follow up with an open Q&A with attendees.


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Upcoming Events

December 10 | Minneapolis
Happy Hour (PEAK Minnesota)

December 19 | Seattle,
Portland, Salem
Monthly Networking Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest)

January 9 | Online
The Secret to Recapturing Foundation Time and Capacity

January 21 | Online
Decolonizing Wealth Book Club

March 9-11 | Seattle


Weekly Reads

So, what’s the big deal about posting salaries? There are lots of big deals, actually. First, if you haven’t already, go read that post by Vu Le. Second, posting salaries in job descriptions signals much about what an employee can expect at their organization — trust, transparency, and respect. [...] Third, the burden to ‘prove’ a potential employee’s worth to negotiate an appropriate salary is removed. This is a gender equity, racial equity, and intersectional identity equity issue.”  [more]
—Amy Sample Ward, NTEN

Fundraisers of color — especially those of us from working-class backgrounds — know that we won’t encounter too many people who are like us either as donors or as peers.  [...] What’s more, we also face a steep learning curve as we seek to understand cultural norms that are second nature to anybody who has grown up with privilege.”  [more]
—Kishshana Palmer, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

For many Native Americans, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning and remembrance — a reminder of the genocide of our people, the loss of our way of life, and the theft of our ancestral lands. We cannot change the past —  but by changing how we tell the story of the past, we can avoid repeating a history that erases the trauma Indigenous peoples have experienced.”  [more]
—Edgar Villanueva, in Yes! Magazine

Power dynamics underlie broader discussions on key topics like systems change, equity, and justice, but we typically don’t like talking about power. It can feel awkward or unpleasant and reveal hard truths that may feel unsurmountable. However, research tells us that just talking about power can help empower us.” [more]
—Kim Walker, Arabella Advisors blog
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