
Election Day is Getting Closer!

It’s our 5th year as an organization and we’re pretty proud of what we’ve accomplished. As we close in on our 10,000th ID, we’re also busy getting ready for an exciting election season!

If you’ve spent any time around our team, you know how often we tell people that 77% of the people that we work with have never voted before and 100% cannot vote without us. Once an ID is in hand, the work doesn’t stop. Our GOTV efforts include everything from providing transportation to the polls to helping eligible voters Vote by Mail in Jail.

We also spend a whole lot of time and research on our local election guides. They’re pretty cool (and very useful).

Let’s face it, it’s hard enough to get to the polls as it is, much less understand everything that’s on the ballot. That’s where we step in. Our guides are available online and our printed versions are distributed to our clients, many of whom are unhoused and/or don’t have regular access to the internet.

Support Spread The Vote

Our guides are easy to understand and help future voters put together a plan to get to the polls or vote by mail. They explain what to expect once a ballot is in their hands. We include info that’s specific to the individual regions that we serve, from Orlando to Dallas to Los Angeles.

This year, we have a limited amount of sponsorship opportunities available for our guides. If you’re interested, please reach out! Your donation will also help us to make it possible to send election guides to our program partners, clients and local agencies that distribute guides to the community.

Thanks for your support!